Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stephen Kroninger

What kind of art/design does he produce?
-He does modern art. He cuts out photographic images and puts them together to create collages.

In what publications/media studios has his work been featured?
-The Beat Generation, an exhibit at the Whitney Museum, Nickelodeon, Spike and Mike's Twisted

Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece...

Michael Jackson
Was this piece published? Where? 
Yes. This piece was published in the New York Times.

What principles of design were utilized within the piece? How?
He used contrast (the dark color of the hair compare to the light color of his face), unity (the entire work seems complete and works together like the different pieces cut out to be him), and balance (used about the same amount of blacks as whites).

What elements of design were utilized?
Value, texture, shape/form, and space.

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