1. Why is it important to identify safety issues and to safely operate equipment utilized in the classroom?
It's important to do these things because it will benefit your health and prevent you from doing something wrong

2. How do interpersonal and employ-ability skills affect both your everyday life and your future?
They affect your life because it can determine if you can get a good job and /or be good at that job

3. What is graphic design and why is it important to communicate visually?
Graphic design is art or skill combined with text and pictures. It is important to communicate visually so that people that have a different language or are deaf can understand others

4. What are the elements of design and how are incorporated into a design?
The elements of design are shape, line, square, circle, color. They are incorporated in a design by adding feeling or motion in a picture.

5. What is a vector-based design and how is it created?
A vector-based design is a graphic using basic geometric based on mathematical equations like points, lines, curves, and shapes to represent images in computer graphics (not created by pixels). No matter how much you enlarge or minimize the pic, it will always look the same. It's created by geometric shapes and such on Adobe Illustrator.

6. How is color used effectively in a design
The right color and convey the right message and evoke the desired response you want to achieve. Based on how the color is utilized, it can show a sense of different emotion sand illusions.

7. What is a raster-based image and how is it created? 
A raster-based image is an image completely created out of pixels. It's created through Adobe Photoshop.

8. How does the manipulation of size and resolution effect digital images? The manipulation of size and resolution affects how the design is printed out. The size determines how large or small the design is and the resolution affects how clear the design is.

9. What are the principles of design and how can they be used within a design?
The principles of design are repetition, proportion/scale, balance, emphasis, unity, variety, figure/ground, rhythm, and contrast. The principles can be used throughout a design to add interest and draw the viewer to the design to take in the message it's trying to convey.

10. What is the function of type within a design?
The function of type within a design is to help convey a message more directly.

11. How do designers use a page layout program?
The designers use a page layout program to lay everything out in the end. It is used to take all the bits and pieces of the design and organize them into the final product. Small-sized typing is also used in page layout programs to produced the best quality.

12. What steps does a designer take to design a page layout from concept to final product?
The designer researches information, brainstorms/becomes inspired by other works and think about ideas, sketch thumbnails to show a basic outline of your ideas, execute by implementing you ideas and actually working on them, and last, critique/revise to look at your design through another person's perspective.

13. What are the key developments in the history of visual communication? How did these developments shape our industry?
Key developments are the development of different typefaces, presses, computers, and cameras. These developments helped shape out industry by giving us ways to utilize a different aspect in our designs to get the message across, print out to display out work, create work graphically, and be able to share and produce it more efficiently.

14. What careers are available within the field of graphic design?
Some careers available within this field are graphic designer, package designer, production artist, comic book artist, art director, illustrator, storyboard artist, publications designer, and many others.

15. What professional organizations are associated with the industry?
Some professional organizations are the Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia (PIAG) and American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA).