Friday, November 11, 2011

Review Week 12

 How can you, as the designer, use principles of design to help compose a page?
The correct use of repetition (not too overbearing, though!), proportion, balance, and emphasis while still creating a unified piece will help form a composition of winners.

What are the principles of design (define each in your own words)?

Repetition: When you repeat a part of the design throughout the entire piece.

Proportions: The size and scale of the different parts of a design compared to each other.

Balance: The distribution of light and heavy elements in a design.

Emphasis: Focusing on a certain part of a design.

Unity: The "wholeness" of the composition.

Figure/Ground: The difference between the positive and negative space in a design.

Rhythm: Organized movement in space and time.

Contrast: Occurs when two related elements are different.

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