Monday, November 28, 2011

Review Week 13

 This picture represents proportion because the house is a small image which makes it seem further away.

This picture shows emphasis because the the cup is on the island is emphasized for it is bright.

This picture shows balance because the image has the same amount of color as well as space.

This picture shows repetition because of the objects in the image that repeat.

This picture represents unity  because the jointed hands are close together.

This picture represents variety because there are many different colored and sizes with the circles.

This picture represents rhythm because of how the pattern is continualy moving around.

This picture represents contrast because there are two elements that are different in the flower.

How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?You go to the bottom of the layers pallet and click on the circle in the square while on the layer you want to mask
What two colors are used to create the mask?Black and White
Describe the process of using a layer mask?
 When you add a layer mask, it prevents the picture from loosing its image when you erase it. You can easily bring back the image by switching the black and white color  

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