Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
- The pen tool is used to create lines where you can manipulate any part of it to make an image.
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too.
-By using pen+ you can add an anchor where you can manipulate that part of the line, pen- is used to delete an anchor if you don't like the placement of it, white arrow tool is used move the line how ever you like it, and the convert tool is used to turn or curve the line in different ways.

How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
-Layers can be utilized if you want to have multiple objects on one image without them blocking each other.

How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
-First you highlight everything in that image, Second put a rectangle on what you want to make a clipping mask of, Finally scroll up to object then go down to clipping mask and press make.

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