Thursday, September 29, 2011

Review Week 5

This picture represents SHAPE. It uses shape by showing the toy and simulate a airplane if you just imagine it to be. Especially when the toy only has 2 parts, it can picture something much greater. It gives of something of different detail, but same structure.

 This picture demonstrates LINE. It shows line by using them to make a object. It involves straight lines and curved lines. The lines are also spaced and close together.

This picture demonstrates SPACE. The image has a lot of unocupied space and very little space being ocupied. The message that the picture is sending is about space of the floor and its cleanliness. It is meant to have the focus away from what is being ocupied in the picture.

This picture demonstrates VALUE. The picture shows light all around the object in the middle. The darker parts are in the center and around the edges of the picture. It uses value to draw the attention around the one.

deer trash msp1 30 Amazing Environment Ads for Earth DayThis picture demonstrates TEXTURE. The deer in the picture is made of trash. The texture is the fact that the trash is made into a deer. It gives a good example of what the message of the picture tells.

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