Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cuneiform and the Sumerians | 3,000 BC

The Sumerians were one of the earliest types of this kind of civilization? What does that mean?
-They were our first written language, it is the beginning of our recorded history

Why is the region of Sumer considered the Cradle of Civilization?
-because it created the worlds first written language

What could the Sumerians practice year round because of the regions climate?

Post an example of early Cuneiform (Sumerian pictograph).

Why was Cuneiform created?
-created to help keel track of business transactions

What medium was used to "write" Cuneiform? Explain the process of preparing and writing on this surface?
-write on clay tablets. wet the clay, form it into flat surfaces, use a wedge shaped stylus made from reeds to make impressions into the clay surface.

What did Cuneiform begin as a series of? 
-a permanent record of the transactions

Post an example of evolved Cuneiform (wedge-shaped).

After it evolved over time, what shape did the characters of Cuneiform evolve into?-wedge shaped language

Post an example of Akkadian Cuneiform.

After the Akkadians conquered, what happened to the Sumerian culture and written language?
-was adopted me the akkadians

What is a pictograph?
-a pictorial or visual representation of object

Why did the creation of Cuneiform allow the Sumerians to become a sophisticated culture?
-it was a new form of communication

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Visual Organization

-Not directing the audience through a design is misdirecting them

Eye Movement
-The typical eye moves left to right and top to bottom.
-Controlling the eye movement within a composition is a matter of directing the natural tendency of the viewer's eye.
-The eye tends gravitate towards areas of complexity first. In the pictures people, the eye is always attracted to the face particularly the eye.
-Light areas of the composition will attract the eye, especially when adjacent to a dark area.
-Diagonal lines or edges will guide eye movement.

Optical Center
-The spot where the human eye tends to enter the page. Optical center is slightly above mathematical center and just to the left.
-It takes a compelling element to pull your eyes away from this spot.

Z pattern
-Our visual pattern makes a sweep of the page, generally, in the shape of a  "Z"
-Effective page design maps a viewer's route through the information. The designer's objective is to lead the viewer's eye to the important elements or information.

-Use no more than two fonts on a page. Make sure that they complement each other
-Avoid all uppercase unless necessary
-Choose the right font
-Don't overuse fancy or complicated fonts

Visual Hierarchy establishes focal points based on their importance to the message being communicated
What do I want my viewer to look at first?

The Grid
-a way of organizing content on a page, using any combination of margins, guidelines, rows, columns

-Modernism-can assist the audience by breaking info into manageable chunks and establishing relationships between text and images

-A grid consists of a distinct set of alignment-based relationships that act as guides for distributing elements across a format

-Every design is different; therefore every design will require a different grid structure... one that addresses the particular elements within the design

-A grid is used to help clarify the message being communicated and to unify the elements

Monday, February 13, 2012


What are cave paintings?
-Beautiful colorful representations found on the insides of cave ceilings or walls

Name several common themes found in cave paintings?
-Large animals, tracings of human hands, and abstract patterns

How were these paintings created (tools, pigments)?
-water, plant juice, animal blood, sol charcoal, and hematite, sticks, small stones, leaves, and animal hair

What is the most famous cave painting site? When was it discovered and by whom?-Lascaux, France; discovered in 1940 by four teenage boys

Post an example of cave painting(s) from this cave.

Why did this cave have to be closed? What was done to satisfy public curiosity?
-The carbon dioxide released by the tourists damaged the paintings

Post an example of cave painting(s) from Altamira cave.

In Altamira cave, why do most of the paintings have a red hue?
-It is caused by the red clay in the soil

Who discovered this site? How old are the paintings confirmed to be?
-Marceline Sanz De Sautuola and his daughter Maria; 19,000 years ago

What is the oldest known cave painting site? When was it discovered and by whom?-Chauvet-Pont Arc; Eliete Brunel Deschamps, Christian Hillaire, and Jean-Marie Chauvet

Post an example of cave painting(s) from this cave.

What was different about the painting techniques at this site?
-3D effect was created by etching around the edges

What is "speleology"?
the scientific study of caves and other karst features

What three reasons do archeologists and historians believe prehistoric man created cave paintings?
- To tell a story
-Visual aid to help hunting
-Magical or religious reasons